Agriculture Communicators of Florida and the profession it represents got a moment in the spotlight at the annual Florida Nursery, Growers and Landscape Association (FNGLA) convention in Sarasota in June.
FNGLA recognized ACF board member Chris Moran with its Friend of Industry award, given to an individual from outside the association who has contributed to the advancement or improvement of the nursery and landscape industry.
Chris, special assistant to the senior vice president at the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS), used the occasion to thank FNGLA for recognizing our profession. Giving the award to someone in his position, Chris noted, was an acknowledgment of the vital role of communications in the success of an agricultural organization. He told an audience of hundreds about his involvement in ACF and that its members advance the story of Florida agriculture.
FNGLA recognizes the value of communications. Former ACF board member Kate Clary is FNGLA’s director of strategic communications. Chris called Kate “one of the best in the business.” And CEO Tal Coley is married to a communications professional.
Chris has worked with Kate, Tal, other FNGLA staff and its volunteer leadership to develop messages highlighting both UF/IFAS and FNGLA in venues such as the Jacksonville Times-Union, Orlando Sentinel and